Submit a Donation

Your tax-deductible donation supports the Stop Tics Today mission and funds research into safe and effective ways to prevent and treat tic disorders. Donations to this vital project are made through the nonprofit Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy.

All donations are acknowledged and fully tax-deductible. The tax-exempt number is EIN #65-0773907.

[wptouch target=”non-mobile”][section_heading]Every little bit counts[/section_heading] Please select the donation type below (One-Time, Recurring, or Offline):

One-Time Donation |Recurring Donation |Offline Donation |

Paypal, Credit Card or Debit Cards are accepted for this online One-Time Donation

[donation_options description=”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$5″ color=”green”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$15″ color=”yellow”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$25″ color=”orange”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$50″ color=”brown”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$100″ color=”teal”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$250″ color=”lightblue”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$500″ color=”darkblue”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$1000″ color=”purple”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”Other” color=”red”] [/donation_options]

Paypal, Credit Card or Debit Cards are accepted for this online Monthly Recurring Donation.  Cancel at any time.

[donation_options description=”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$3″ color=”green”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$5″ color=”yellow”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$10″ color=”orange”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$15″ color=”brown”] [donation_option link=”″ amount=”$25″ color=”teal”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$50″ color=”lightblue”] [donation_option link=”″ amount=”$75″ color=”darkblue”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$100″ color=”purple”] [donation_option link=”” amount=”$200″ color=”red”] [/donation_options]

Credit Card, Debit Card, or Check accepted for Offline Donations

Click for Offline Form
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Every little bit counts

Paypal, Credit Card or Debit Cards are accepted for this online donation.

Donate Now

Want to donate offline?

Here’s our mailing address:
ACN – Stop Tics Today
PO Box 159
Grosse Ile, MI 48138-0159

Make checks payable to:
Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy

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